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24.09.2022 at 17:00h
Dapoxetine 60 mg brand name
Dapoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor medicine which has been specially developed for the treatment of premature ejaculation.
Dapoxetine Over The Counter
English name
Latin name of the substance Dapoxetine
Dapoxetinum (genus Dapoxetini)
Chemical name
Brutto formula
Dapoksetin pharmacological group
CAS code
Pharmacological action
It is assumed that the mechanism of action of dapoxetine in premature ejaculation is associated with inhibition of serotonin reuptake by neurons, followed by an increase in the action of the neurotransmitter on pre- and postsynaptic receptors. The mechanism of ejaculation is mainly regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. Postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers innervate the seminal vesicles, vas deferens, prostate, muscles of the urethra, and bladder neck, causing them to contract in a coordinated manner to achieve ejaculation. Dapoxetine affects the ejaculation reflex, increasing the latent period and reducing the duration of reflex impulsation of motoneurons of the ganglia of the perineum. The stimulus that triggers ejaculation is generated in the spinal reflex center, which is controlled through the brainstem by several nuclei of the brain, incl. preoptic and paraventricular.
Absorption. Dapoxetine is rapidly absorbed and Cmax is reached 1-2 hours after ingestion. Absolute bioavailability is 42% (range 15-76%). After a single oral dose of dapoxetine on an empty stomach at doses of 30 and 60 mg, Cmax of the substance in blood plasma is 297 ng / ml (after 1.01 h) and 498 ng / ml (after 1.27 h), respectively .
Fatty food moderately reduces Cmax of dapoxetine (by 10%) and increases by 12% AUC and Tmax in blood plasma, however, the degree of absorption of dapoxetine does not change — these changes are clinically insignificant. Dapoxetine can be taken with or without food.
Distribution. More than 99% of dapoxetine binds to plasma proteins in vitro. Active metabolite — desmethyldapoxetine — binds to plasma proteins by 98.5%. Dapoxetine is rapidly distributed throughout the body with an average Vss 162 L When administered intravenously in humans, the average T1/2< /sub> in the initial, intermediate and terminal phases of hatching is 0.1; 2.19 and 19.3 hours respectively.
Metabolism. Research in vitro suggest that dapoxetine is metabolized by many liver and kidney enzymes, especially CYP2D6, CYP3A4 and flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO1) of the kidneys. In a clinical study investigating the metabolism of 14C-dapoxetine, dapoxetine was extensively metabolized after oral administration, mainly by N-oxidation, N-demethylation, naphtho group hydroxylation, glucuronidation, and addition of a sulfo group. After oral administration, signs of first pass metabolism in the liver were found. The main components circulating in blood plasma were intact dapoxetine and dapoxetine-N-oxide. In research in vitro found that dapoxetine-N-oxide is inactive. In addition, desmethyldapoxetine and didesmethyldapoxetine were detected in amounts less than 3% of the total amount of circulating dapoxetine metabolites. In the study, in vitro found that desmethyldapoxetine is comparable in activity to dapoxetine, and didesmethyldapoxetine is about 2 times less active than dapoxetine. Exposure (AUC and Cmax) of unbound desmethyldapoxetine was 50 and 23% of unbound dapoxetine, respectively.
Excretion. Dapoxetine metabolites are excreted primarily in the urine as conjugates. Unchanged active substance in the urine is not detected. Dapoxetine is rapidly eliminated, as evidenced by a low plasma concentration (less than 5% of Cmax) 24 hours after a dose. With daily intake, the accumulation of the substance in the body is minimal. Oral final T1/2< /span> is approximately 19 hours.
Pharmacokinetics in special categories of patients
Race. A single dose of dapoxetine at a dose of 60 mg did not reveal a statistically significant difference between Europeans, blacks, Hispanics and Asians. Comparison of the pharmacokinetics of dapoxetine in Europeans and Japanese showed higher Cmax and AUC in the latter (by 10 & ndash; 20%) due to lower body weight. A higher level of systemic exposure is unlikely to cause a significant difference in clinical effect.
Elderly patients (65 years and older). A single dose of dapoxetine at a dose of 60 mg did not reveal a significant difference in pharmacokinetic parameters (Cmax, AUC< sub>0–∞, Tmax) in healthy older men and younger men. Dapoxetine AUC0–∞ Mean and Endpoint T1/2 were 12% and 46% higher, respectively, in older men compared to younger men.
Impaired renal function. A single dose of dapoxetine at a dose of 60 mg showed no relationship between creatinine clearance and Cmax or AUC0–&infin ; dapoxetine in patients with mild (Cl creatinine 50 & ndash; 80 ml / ml), moderately pronounced (Cl creatinine from 30 to < 50 ml / min) and severe (Cl creatinine < 30 ml / min) impaired function kidneys. AUC of dapoxetine in patients with severe renal impairment was about 2 times higher than in patients with normal renal function. Data on the use of dapoxetine in patients with severe renal impairment are limited. In patients requiring hemodialysis, the pharmacokinetics of dapoxetine has not been studied.
Hepatic impairment. In patients with mild hepatic impairment, the pharmacokinetics of dapoxetine and desmethyldapoxetine did not change. In patients with moderate hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh class B) Cmax and AUC of unbound dapoxetine increased by 55% and 120%, respectively. The Cmax of the unbound active fraction of dapoxetine was unchanged, and the AUC — increased by 2 times.
In patients with severe hepatic impairment, Cmax of unbound dapoxetine was not altered, a AUC of unbound dapoxetine was more than 3-fold increased. AUC of the active fraction was also increased several times.
CYP2D6 polymorphism. Plasma concentration of dapoxetine after a single dose of dapoxetine at a dose of 60 mg in patients with low CYP2D6 activity was higher than in patients with high CYP2D6 activity (C< sub>max by about 31%, AUC0–∞ — by about 36%). Similarly, Cmax of desmethyldapoxetine in patients with low CYP2D6 activity was increased by 98%, and AUC0–∞ — by 161%. Medium End T1/2 dapoxetine increased by 2.4 hours in patients with low activity of the CYP2D6 isoenzyme compared with patients with high activity of the CYP2D6 isoenzyme. Cmax of the active fraction of dapoxetine is increased by approximately 46%, a AUC — by about 90%. This increase may be accompanied by an increased frequency and severity of dose-related adverse events. The safety of the use of dapoxetine in patients with low CYP2D6 activity may be questionable when taking other drugs that can inhibit the metabolism of dapoxetine, in particular active and moderately active inhibitors of CYP3A4.
Dapoxetine and desmethyldapoxetine plasma concentrations are expected to be reduced in patients with ultra-high CYP2D6 activity.
Dapoksetin application
Dapoxetine is indicated for the treatment of premature ejaculation in men aged 18 to 64.
Hypersensitivity to dapoxetine hydrochloride. Severe heart disease (such as heart failureII–IV class in NYHA, cardiac conduction disorders (block AV 2nd degree conduction or sick sinus syndrome) in the absence of a permanent pacemaker, severe coronary heart disease or valvular disease). Simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors and use within 14 days after stopping their use; similarly, MAO inhibitors should not be taken within 7 days of stopping dapoxetine. Simultaneous reception of thioridazine and within 14 days after the termination of its use; similarly, thioridazine should not be taken within 7 days of stopping dapoxetine. Simultaneous use of SSRIs, serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants and other drugs with serotonergic (e.g. L-tryptophan, triptans, tramadol, linezolid, lithium, St. Dapoxetine Concomitant administration with active inhibitors of CYP3A4, such as ketoconazole, itraconazole, ritonavir, saquinavir, telithromycin, nefazodone, nelfinavir, atazanavir, etc. Moderately severe and severe liver dysfunction Severe renal dysfunction Children and adolescents under 18 years of age .
If there is a history of known or suspected orthostatic hypotension, or a history of mania/hypomania or bipolar disorder, treatment with dapoxetine should be avoided.
Use restrictions
Mild to moderate renal dysfunction; simultaneous use with strong CYP2D6 isoenzyme inhibitors and moderate CYP3A4 inhibitors in patients with genotypically low activity of the CYP2D6 isoenzyme and patients with high activity of the CYP2D6 isoenzyme (in combination with moderate inhibitors of the CYP3A4 isoenzyme); simultaneous use with drugs that affect platelet aggregation, and with anticoagulants due to the risk of bleeding.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
Dapoxetine is not intended for use in women.
Based on the limited data available from clinical trials, there is no evidence to suggest that the use of dapoxetine by a man can affect the pregnancy of his partner. Well-controlled studies of the use of dapoxetine in pregnant women have not been conducted.
It is not known whether dapoxetine and its metabolites are excreted in breast milk.
Dapoksetin side effects
In clinical studies, the following side effects were reported, which were observed frequently and were dose-dependent: nausea (11 and 22.2% when taking 30 and 60 mg of dapoxetine, respectively), dizziness (5.8 and 10.9 %), headache (5.6 and 8.8%), diarrhea (3.5 and 6.9%), insomnia (2.1 and 3.9%), fatigue (2 and 4.1%). The most common events requiring discontinuation of treatment were nausea (in 2.2% of patients) and dizziness (1.2%).
The frequency of side effects is defined as very common (≥1/10); often (≥1/100<1/10); infrequently (≥1/1000<1/100); rarely (≥1/10000–<1/1000).
Mental disorders: often — anxiety, agitation, restlessness, unusual dreams, decreased libido; infrequently — depression, depressed mood, state of euphoria, mood swings, nervousness, indifference, apathy, confusion, disorientation, pathological thinking, somatosensory amplification, sleep disturbance, initial insomnia, intrasomnia disorder, nightmares, bruxism, loss of libido, anorgasmia.
Co withparts of the central nervous system: very often — dizziness, headache; often — drowsiness, impaired concentration, tremor, paresthesia; infrequently — fainting, incl. vasovagal, postural dizziness, akathisia, taste perversion, hypersomnia, lethargy, sedation, depression of consciousness; rarely — dizziness during physical exertion, sudden falling asleep.
On the part of the organs of vision: often — blurred vision; infrequently — mydriasis, eye pain, blurred vision.
On the part of the hearing organs and the labyrinth: often — tinnitus; infrequently — vertigo.
From the CCC side: often — flushes of blood; infrequently — cessation of sinus node activity, sinus bradycardia, tachycardia, decreased BP, systolic hypertension; rarely — hot flashes.
Respiratory: often — nasal congestion, yawning.
Gastrointestinal: very common — nausea; often — diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, flatulence, stomach discomfort, bloating, dry mouth.
Skin and subcutaneous tissues: often — hyperhidrosis; infrequently — itching, cold sweat.
On the part of the reproductive system: often — erectile dysfunction; infrequently — lack of ejaculation, orgasm disturbance, incl. anorgasmia in men, paresthesia of the genital organs of men.
General Status: often — weakness, irritability; infrequently — asthenia, a feeling of heat, a feeling of anxiety, a feeling of malaise, a feeling of intoxication.
Lab changes: often — increase in blood pressure; infrequently — increase HR, increase DABP, increase in orthostatic BP.
Description of individual side effects
Funning with loss of consciousness, with bradycardia, or sinus arrest has been observed in patients on Holter monitoring and has been reported in clinical trials. These adverse events were regarded as associated with the use of dapoxetine. Most cases were observed within the first 3 hours after taking dapoxetine, after taking the first dose, or associated with medical procedures (blood sampling, changes in body position, blood pressure measurement). Prodromal symptoms often preceded syncope. The incidence of syncope and prodromal symptoms was dose-dependent, which was demonstrated in patients receiving higher doses of dapoxetine.
Dapoxetine withdrawal effects
For sudden withdrawal of long-term SSRIs for the treatment of chronic depressive disorders the following symptoms were noted: dysphoria, irritability, agitation, dizziness, sensory disturbances (for example, paresthesia), anxiety, confusion, headache, lethargy, emotional lability, insomnia, and hypomania. The results of the safety study showed a higher frequency of withdrawal symptoms in the form of insomnia and mild to moderate dizziness after discontinuation of dapoxetine after 62 days of use.
MAO Inhibitors
In patients treated with SSRI and MAO, described serious, sometimes fatal reactions, incl. hyperthermia, rigidity, myoclonus, instability of the autonomic system with possible rapid fluctuations in vital signs, as well as changes in mental state, incl. great agitation progressing to delirium and coma. These reactions have also been observed in patients who recently discontinued SSRIs and started treatment with a MAO. In some cases, the symptoms resembled neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Data on the combined use of SSRIs and inhibitors MAO in animals suggest that these drugs may synergistically increase BP and cause behavioral arousal. Therefore, dapoxetine should not be taken simultaneously with inhibitors MAO and within 14 days after stopping their use. Similarly, MAO inhibitors should not be taken within 7 days of stopping dapoxetine.
Thioridazine prolongs the QTc associated with ventricular arrhythmia. Drugs such as dapoxetine that inhibit the CYP2D6 enzyme appear to inhibit the metabolism of thioridazine. The resulting increase in thioridazine levels is expected to increase prolongation of the QTc. Dapoxetine should not be taken concomitantly with thioridazine and for 14 days after stopping its use. Similarly, thioridazine should not be taken within 7 days of stopping dapoxetine.
Drugs with serotonergic effects
As with SSRIs, Dapoxetine taken concurrently with serotonergic Drugs (including inhibitors MAO, L-tryptophan, triptans, tramadol, linezolid, SSRIs, serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, lithium, and St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) may increase frequency Dapoxetine should not be taken concomitantly with other SSRIs, MAO and other serotonergic drugs and within 14 days after discontinuation of this their LS. Similarly, these drugs should not be taken within 7 days after stopping dapoxetine.
CNS-acting drugs
Dapoxetine taken simultaneously with drugs acting on CNS in patients with premature ejaculation has not been studied. It is recommended to exercise caution if it is necessary to take these drugs simultaneously.
Influence of other drugs on dapoxetine
Research using human liver, kidney and intestinal microsomes in vitro showed that dapoxetine is metabolized mainly by CYP2D6, CYP3A4 and FM01. Therefore, inhibitors of these enzymes can reduce the clearance of dapoxetine.
CYP3A4 inhibitors
Active CYP3A4 inhibitors. Ketoconazole 200mg 2 times a day for 7 days increased Cmax and AUC0∞ of dapoxetine (60 mg once) by 35 and 99%, respectively. Taking into account the proportion of unbound dapoxetine and desmethyldapoxetine, Cmax of the active fraction (the sum of unbound dapoxetine and desmethyldapoxetine) in the presence of active inhibitors of CYP3A4 can increase by about 25%, a AUC can be doubled. This is an increase in Cmax and AUC active fraction may be significantly more pronounced in the subpopulation of patients who do not have a functionally active CYP2D6 enzyme, as well as while taking active inhibitors of CYP2D6.
Dapoxetine should not be co-administered with active CYP3A4 inhibitors such as ketoconazole, itraconazole, ritonavir, saquinavir, telithromycin, nefazodone, nelfinavir and atazanavir.
Moderately active CYP3A4 inhibitors. Concomitant use of moderately active CYP3A4 inhibitors, such as erythromycin, clarithromycin, fluconazole, amprenavir, fosamprenavir, aprepitant, verapamil, or diltiazem, may significantly increase systemic exposure dapoxetine and desmethyldapoxetine, especially in patients with low CYP2D6 activity. The maximum dose of dapoxetine taken simultaneously with these drugs should be limited to 30 mg and taken with caution.
Active CYP2D6 inhibitors
Dapoxetine 60 mg/day for 7 days increased Cmax and AUC0∞ of dapoxetine (60 mg single dose) by 50 and 88% respectively. Taking into account the proportion of unbound dapoxetine and desmethyldapoxetia, Cmax of the active fraction (the sum of unbound dapoxetine and desmethyldapoxetine) in the presence of active inhibitors of CYP2D6 can increase by about 50%, and AUC can be doubled. This is an increase in Cmax and AUC active fractions close to expected in patients with low CYP2D6 activity and may lead to an increase in the frequency and severity of dose-dependent adverse reactions. Therefore, caution is advised when increasing the dose of dapoxetine to 60 mg in patients receiving active CYP2D6 inhibitors and in patients with low CYP2D6 activity.
Drugs metabolized by CYP1A and CYP2B6 isoenzymes
Based on comparison of Cmax of dapoxetine at 60 mg dose and dapoxetine concentration at 50% inhibition (IC50) of the CYP1A2 isoenzyme in vitro concluded that no effect of dapoxetine on concentration is expected simultaneously prescribed drugs metabolized by this isoenzyme. The effect of dapoxetine on the CYP2B6 isoenzyme has not been studied.
PDE-5 Inhibitors
The pharmacokinetics of dapoxetine taken at a dose of 60 mg concomitantly with tadalafil (20 mg) or sildenafil (100 mg) has been studied. Tadalafil did not affect the pharmacokinetics of dapoxetine. Sildenafil slightly increased the AUC0∞ and Cmax of dapoxetine (by 22 and 4%, respectively), which is considered clinically insignificant. Dapoxetine should be used with caution in patients taking PDE-5 inhibitors due to the possible reduced tolerance of these patients to orthostatic hypotension.
The effect of dapoxetine hydrochloride on concomitantly taken drugs
Tamsulosin. Single and repeated administration of dapoxetine at doses of 30 and 60 mg to patients receiving tamsulosin daily did not lead to a change in the pharmacokinetics of the latter. At the same time, the frequency of orthostatic hypotension also did not change, which was the same when taking only tamsulosin and the combination of tamsulosin with dapoxetine 30 or 60 mg. Dapoxetine should be used with caution in patients taking alpha-blockers due to the possible reduced tolerance of these patients to orthostatic hypotension.
Drugs metabolized by CYP2D6
Multiple doses of dapoxetine (60 mg/day for 6 days) increased Cmax and AUC0∞ of desipramine (50 mg once) by 11% and 19%, respectively, compared with desipramine alone. Dapoxetine may similarly increase plasma concentrations of other drugs metabolized by CYP2D6. The clinical significance of this is likely to be low.
Drugs metabolized by CYP3A
Multiple doses of dapoxetine (60 mg/day for 6 days) reduced the AUC0∞ of midazolam (8 mg single dose) by approximately 20% (range from −60 % to +18%). The clinical significance of this phenomenon in most patients is likely to be low. However, an increase in CYP3A activity may be of clinical importance in some patients who simultaneously take drugs metabolized mainly by CYP3A and have a narrow therapeutic window.
Drugs metabolized by CYP2C19
Multiple doses of dapoxetine (60 mg/day for 6 days) did not affect the pharmacokinetics of omeprazole (40 mg once). Dapoxetine is unlikely to affect the pharmacokinetics of other CYP2C19 substrates.
Drugs metabolized by CYP2C9
Multiple doses of dapoxetine (60 mg/day for 6 days) did not affect the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of glibenclamide (5 mg once). Dapoxetine is unlikely to affect the pharmacokinetics of other CYP2C9 substrates.
PDE-5 Inhibitors
According to the results of the study, dapoxetine (60 mg) did not affect the pharmacokinetics of tadalafil (20 mg) and sildenafil (100 mg).
There are no data on the effects of long-term use of warfarin concomitantly with dapoxetine. Caution is advised when prescribing dapoxetine to patients taking warfarin for a long time. In a pharmacokinetic study, multiple doses of dapoxetine (60 mg/day for 6 days) did not affect the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (PT and MHO) of warfarin (25 mg once).
A single dose of ethanol (0.5 g/kg or approximately 2 doses) did not affect the pharmacokinetics of dapoxetine (60 mg single dose) and vice versa. Co-administration of dapoxetine and ethanol increased drowsiness and significantly reduced the level of wakefulness as assessed by the patient. Ethanol alone and dapoxetine alone did not significantly alter cognitive performance measures (response rate in the digit recognition test and digit substitution test) compared with placebo, however, the combination of ethanol with dapoxetine statistically significantly changed these measures compared with ethanol alone. The simultaneous use of ethanol and dapoxetine increases the frequency and severity of adverse reactions such as dizziness, drowsiness, slow reflexes, change in judgment. The combination of alcohol with dapoxetine can also increase neurocardiogenic side effects, in particular the frequency of syncope, which increases the risk of accidental injury. Therefore, patients should be advised to refrain from drinking alcohol during treatment with dapoxetine.
No cases of overdose have been reported in clinical studies.
Dapoxetine up to 240 mg (two doses of 120 mg 3 hours apart) did not cause unexpected adverse events. In general, SSRIs overdose symptoms include serotonergic reactions, incl. drowsiness, gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, vomiting), tachycardia, tremor, agitation and dizziness.
Overdose should be treated with standard supportive care if necessary. Due to the significant binding of dapoxetine to plasma proteins and the large Vd< /sub> dapoxetine hydrochloride forced diuresis, dialysis, hemoperfusion and blood transfusion are unlikely to be effective. No specific antidote known.
Method of application and dosage
By mouth Adult men 18 to 64 years of age: Recommended starting dose for all men — 30 mg, 1-3 hours before the intended sexual intercourse. With insufficient effect and good tolerance of the dose of 30 mg, it can be increased to 60 mg. The maximum recommended frequency of reception — 1 time per 24 hours
Understanding the Benefits and Uses of Priligy
In the realm of pharmaceuticals, numerous medications are formulated to address a variety of health conditions. Often, distinguishing between brand names and generic versions becomes critical, especially when evaluating their effectiveness, side effects, and overall safety. This guide delves into one such medication, exploring its dosage variations, purchasing options, and the factors influencing its online availability.
With a growing trend towards online shopping, many consumers are curious about how to buy medications online without a prescription, seeking ways to obtain what is often referred to as a "brand" or "generic" drug cheap. Understanding the differences between 40mg, 60mg, and 90mg dosages, and the approval processes they undergo, is essential for making informed decisions. Furthermore, exploring where to get such medications in the USA, especially considering cost and term effects, is of significant interest.
The long-term effects and user reviews of any medication often become focal points in understanding its place in the healthcare system. Resources like Wikipedia can provide detailed information on a drug's background, usage, and side effects. Understanding how particular substances, such as tadalafil and tadalafilise, compare and contrast adds another layer of complexity. Finding ways to purchase and order these drugs, whether brand-name or generic, continues to be a subject of interest and debate among consumers and healthcare professionals alike.
Understanding Dapoxetine as a Generic Drug
When exploring options for addressing specific medical conditions, understanding the role of generic drugs can provide numerous advantages. Dapoxetine, a medication often encountered in discussions related to its brand counterpart, offers an example of how generic options can effectively meet needs at a reduced price. This exploration focuses on what dapoxetine is, how it's used, and the significance of its status as a generic drug.
Dapoxetine, primarily recognized for its role in treating premature issues, is often available in dosages of 30mg, 60mg, and 90mg. Its generic nature means it is typically more affordable than its brand-name equivalents. Many patients seek cheaper options through online purchases, particularly in regions where prescriptions can be costly or challenging to obtain. In the USA, the process to buy this medication online often seeks to balance accessibility and safety.
The effects of dapoxetine, like its brand-name counterpart, mainly revolve around increasing specific serotonin levels in the nervous system. It is used in a similar manner to how tadalafil is utilized for different purposes, thus offering an affordable solution for many. However, it is crucial to consider the side effects, which may include dizziness, nausea, and headaches. Despite these potential issues, reviews often highlight its effectiveness in the term of long-term outcomes.
Purchasing generic dapoxetine without a prescription online can be an option in some regions, tho care must be taken to ensure the legitimacy of the supplier. The availability and approval statuses can differ from country to country, so consulting information from reliable sources like Wikipedia or trusted health sites is advisable before deciding to purchase. Thus, understanding what dapoxetine is and how it operates as a generic alternative can empower informed decisions and promote health-conscious choices.
Exploring Long-Term Dapoxetine Side Effects
Dapoxetine, often used to address specific health concerns, has garnered approval in several countries and is available online where individuals purchase it with or without a prescription. While many reviews emphasize its efficacy, understanding the long-term effects of this generic drug is essential for those considering an order.
As dapoxetine is primarily used for short-term relief, the comprehensive study of its long-term impact is still evolving. One of the key areas of investigation is the potential for lasting side effects that might develop over prolonged periods of use.
The brand name and generic versions, such as tadalafilise, are available in various dosages, including 60mg and 90mg. As these medications become more accessible, it is crucial for consumers to get informed about the effects that may not manifest immediately but could influence overall well-being over time.
Information from reliable sources like wikipedia often includes reviews and data concerning long-term experiences of users. Where possible, engaging with healthcare professionals can offer insights into individualized effects and how these medications interact with other treatments such as tadalafil provided in doses like 40mg.
In the USA, examining options for a cheap buy should not overshadow the importance of understanding potential side effects. Consumers seeking to purchase should weigh price against the impact on health, ensuring that any order respects their long-term medical goals.
Ordering Tadalafil and Dapoxetine Online
In today's digital age, the option to order medications through online platforms provides consumers convenient access to treatments. Among these, Tadalafil and Dapoxetine have emerged as popular drugs for addressing specific medical conditions. Obtaining these medications online offers numerous benefits, including the potential to compare prices, discover generic alternatives, and read user reviews to make informed decisions.
Where to buy these treatments is often a matter of concern. Trusted websites in the USA typically provide options to purchase both Tadalafil and Dapoxetine with the necessary approval. Always ensure the platform is legitimate to get products without compromising safety. Furthermore, exploring wikipedia pages and dedicated forums can offer additional insight into user experiences and expectations.
The price of these drugs can vary significantly, especially between brand and generic versions. Opting for cheap alternatives may be appealing, but it is essential to verify their approval and effectiveness. Common dosages such as 40mg, 60mg, and 90mg are available, so understanding what is best suited for one's needs can ensure beneficial results.
One must also consider the potential side effects and how long-term use of these drugs might impact health. Consulting with a healthcare provider prior to making an order is advisable, particularly if a prescription is required. Some online pharmacies provide consultations and the ability to purchase these medications without a prior prescription, facilitating access while promoting responsible drug usage.
In conclusion, the term "tadalafilise" refers to the process of acquiring and utilizing these drugs online responsibly. Secure an easy and informed purchase by leveraging online resources, reviews, and professional medical advice.
Dapoxetine Information on Wikipedia
Dapoxetine is a well-known drug endorsed for specific uses, primarily to address certain conditions in men. It's an active ingredient found in various formulations and is often discussed in terms of its comparison to other compounds such as tadalafil.
On Wikipedia, comprehensive details about Dapoxetine include its generic name, the implications of its long-term use, and its potential side effects. Readers can also find information about its legislative approval status, order processes, and the nuances between brand and generic versions within the USA.
- Effects: Dapoxetine is noted for specific effects and short-term relief, differing from long-term alternatives like tadalafil.
- Usage: Typically used with a prescription, though some inquire about options to purchase without one.
- Reviews: User reviews highlight experiences regarding efficacy and side effects.
- Forms: Available in dosages such as 30mg, 60mg, and 90mg.
Wikipedia offers insights on where to buy and order this drug, including price comparisons for both brand and generic forms, guiding users on how to get cheap options. There are also discussions surrounding the term Dapoxetine and its relationship to tadalafilise products.
This resource serves as a reference point for individuals seeking to understand more about the implications of using Dapoxetine, aiding with informed decisions regarding treatment and purchase options.
Accessing Dapoxetine Without Prescription
Acquiring dapoxetine without a doctor's prescription is a topic that requires an understanding of the potential implications and regulatory aspects. Although some may seek this medication for its perceived benefits, it is important to consider the consequences of obtaining it through unofficial channels.
- Generic Options: Many people explore generic versions of dapoxetine, which might be available at a lower price. It is crucial to verify their authenticity and safety.
- Online Purchase: Buying this drug online can be tempting due to the ease of access and the promise of cheap prices. However, this approach comes with risks, including the potential for counterfeit products.
- Without Prescription Risks: Using dapoxetine, especially doses like 40mg, 60mg, or even 90mg, without a healthcare provider's guidance can lead to adverse side effects. Consulting a professional helps mitigate these risks.
- Regulatory Approval: In places like the USA, the approval and regulation of such drugs are tightly controlled, making it essential to adhere to established guidelines for purchasing and using them.
Understanding the potential effects and side effects of dapoxetine is crucial. Wikipedia and reviews can provide some insights, but they should not replace professional medical advice.
Other medications, such as tadalafil, are sometimes discussed in conjunction with dapoxetine. It is important to be aware of how these can interact and impact long-term health.
To ensure safety and effectiveness, always seek prescription-based access to dapoxetine and consult healthcare professionals when necessary. This prudent approach helps in avoiding the complications associated with non-prescription usage and ensures the correct use of this medication.
Common Brand Names for Dapoxetine
Dapoxetine is an active ingredient widely recognized for its use in various regions, notably in the USA, for managing specific conditions. Understanding its various brand names can help individuals identify the right option when seeking to purchase this prescription drug. This section outlines some of the prominent brands under which dapoxetine is sold.
- Generic Dapoxetine: Often available at a cheaper price, generic versions provide the same effects as patented versions, making them a popular choice for those looking to buy the drug online.
- Names with Tadalafil Combination: Some formulations include tadalafil, like 40mg and 90mg options, providing an extended term of effect and gaining positive reviews among users.
- Approval Status: Approved for prescription use, these medicines can typically be purchased with a prescription, although some seek options to order without one online.
When seeking to get dapoxetine or any of its branded counterparts, it is important to review options in order to understand where and how to safely purchase these medications. Always consider medical advice before making a decision and check for any potential side effects. Wikipedia can be a useful resource for learning more about the specifics of dapoxetine and related treatments. Once informed, finding a reliable online pharmacy to order your medication can be a straightforward process.
Status of Dapoxetine Approval in the USA
The approval status of dapoxetine in the USA is a frequently discussed topic among those seeking solutions for specific health issues. This drug, whose primary function is to address particular conditions, generates interest regarding its availability and legal standing in the American market. Unlike many medications that smoothly pass through regulatory processes, dapoxetine's journey has been met with various hurdles.
Dapoxetine, available in doses such as 40mg, 60mg, and 90mg, is designed for short-term use and is known for its swift action. Consumers often wonder where they can legally purchase or order this drug online in the USA, and whether it is available without a prescription. Due to its intended purpose and the effects it has, the regulatory status affects both brand name and generic versions.
The drug's side effects and its combination with other drugs like tadalafil could influence the approval process. Despite its use in other countries, US regulatory bodies require substantial evidence regarding its safety and efficacy before granting approval. This impacts where people can buy it and dictates whether an official channel exists for procurement. Various reviews and sources, including Wikipedia, contribute to the ongoing conversation about its legal standing.
While some consumers seek cheaper or generic options, the need for formal approval means navigating complex regulations. Those interested in dapoxetine often compare prices and evaluate reviews, weighing the long-term benefits against potential risks. Understanding the approval process is crucial for those looking to purchase this medication legally and safely in the USA.
Using Dapoxetine: Main Purposes
Dapoxetine is primarily known for addressing specific needs related to male health. This drug is sought after in various regions, including the USA, and is used for improving certain conditions to enhance quality of life. It is available in several forms, offering flexibility for users depending on their individual requirements.
The table below outlines the main purposes and features associated with this medication:
Name | Dapoxetine |
Drug Formulations | 60mg, 90mg |
Common Uses | Enhancement of male health-related conditions |
Approval Status | Subject to regional approval requirements |
Purchasing Options | Generic and brand options available |
Acquisition Methods | Order online, buy from pharmacies |
Prescription Requirement | Generally requires a prescription |
Possible Side Effects | Varies, review necessary information carefully |
Many choose to order this drug online due to convenience and competitive price options. Generic and brand versions are both obtainable, often necessitating a prescription. It's important to review tadalafil and dapoxetine interactions, as combined usage might be considered for long-term plans. The term "tadalafilise" sometimes refers to synergies between these compounds, closely monitored by health professionals to manage effects safely and effectively.
Reading reviews can provide insights into user experiences and what to expect when undertaking this treatment. Considerations should include the purchase of dapoxetine without compromising health standards, being mindful of where and how to buy the drug, whether in 40mg or more conventional dosages. Referencing credible sources like Wikipedia can offer valuable details on the drug's background and development.
Combining Tadalafil and Dapoxetine Safely
The idea of using Tadalafil and Dapoxetine together is gaining attention for addressing specific medical needs. Both medications are known for distinct purposes, and using them in combination involves understanding their uses, side effects, and ensuring safe administration. Exploring the dynamics of these two drugs requires discussing their effects and how they interact when used in conjunction.
Tadalafil, known by its brand name Cialis, is primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction. Available in various dosages such as 40mg and 90mg, it is renowned for its effectiveness and long-term impact. Dapoxetine, on the other hand, generally prescribed as a 60mg dose, targets premature ejaculation. Before proceeding, users are advised to get a prescription to ensure medical approval for this combination therapy.
The combination can enhance the experience by maximizing benefits from both drugs, but potential side effects must be carefully considered. Common concerns include headache, digestive issues, and dizziness. Those interested should review medical guidelines to anticipate what effects they might encounter. Consulting medical reviews and professional opinions further informs on the appropriate generic or brand choices, ensuring a well-balanced approach.
In the USA, purchasing these medications requires a legitimate prescription. Online platforms offer various ways to order, sometimes presenting competitive prices. It's crucial to buy from reputable sources to avoid counterfeit products. Investigating price differences between generic and brand names helps in making cost-effective decisions.
To obtain Tadalafil and Dapoxetine without encountering issues, patients are urged to follow appropriate medical advice. Ensuring the safe use of these drugs involves being well-informed about terms of use and their potential interactions. As such, evaluating online resources like Wikipedia can expand one's understanding of these medications before making a purchase. Following proper channels guarantees the combination can be used safely and affordably.
Reviews of Dapoxetine and Tadalafil Combination
The combination of dapoxetine and tadalafil has attracted attention as a potential solution for men seeking comprehensive treatment for certain intimate concerns. This combo is increasingly becoming popular due to its purported benefits and effectiveness.
Effects and Usage
The blend of dapoxetine and tadalafil is primarily used to address issues related to timing and performance. Dapoxetine, often referred to as the brand name, is approved in various regions, including the USA. On the other hand, tadalafil is well-known for its long-term efficacy and is available in dosages like 40mg and 60mg. These drugs together can help users get the best from both brands without sacrificing quality.
Price and Accessibility
One of the main concerns when considering this combination is the price. Various online platforms offer cheap options for those looking to purchase the combination, making it accessible to a wider audience. Where it is available, a prescription is often required due to the nature of its effects on the body.
Potential Side Effects
Like most medications, the combination of dapoxetine and tadalafil comes with potential side effects. Common reactions might include mild nausea or headache, but these often resolve over time. It is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider to understand what effects to expect and how to order safely.
Consumer Reviews
Feedback from users indicates a positive reception of the dapoxetine and tadalafil combo. Many reviews highlight the drug's effectiveness for its intended use without causing significant disruptions to daily life. Users often describe the combination as a game-changer for long-term satisfaction. For more comprehensive insights, one can explore discussions on platforms like wikipedia.
Price Comparison for Dapoxetine 40mg 60mg
Discovering the most advantageous price for Dapoxetine, particularly the 40mg and 60mg variants, can be challenging. This involves evaluating different suppliers, considering the necessity of a prescription, and understanding both the branded and generic options available. Knowing where and how to purchase this medication effectively, whether with or without prescription, is crucial for users who seek it's long term effects in managing specific conditions.
An efficient way to determine the best purchase options is through a price comparison of various offers, including online and offline outlets. Exploring these differences can help users make informed decisions and find the most cost-effective solution tailored to their needs.
Pharmacy Name | Dapoxetine 40mg Price | Dapoxetine 60mg Price | Order Online | User Reviews |
USA Drug Store | $45 | $60 | Yes | 4.2/5 |
Tadalafilise Market | $40 | $55 | Yes | 4.0/5 |
Generic Meds Online | $38 | $52 | Yes | 3.8/5 |
Brand Name Suppliers | $50 | $65 | No | 4.5/5 |
The prices vary between pharmacies and depend significantly on whether you choose a brand or generic option. It's essential to review and compare both user reviews and prescription requirements to make a well-informed decision, ensuring the purchase meets your expectations in terms of price and effect. Exploring options to buy online can often provide more competitive rates and ease of ordering.
When purchasing Dapoxetine, checking for regulatory approval and understanding the potential side effects and how it is used in conjunction with drugs like Tadalafil is important. Finding the right balance between cost, accessibility, and benefits can enhance the overall satisfaction and outcome for users.
General. Dapoxetine is only for men with premature ejaculation. The safety of use in men without premature ejaculation has not been established, there is no data on delayed ejaculation.
Using with narcotic drugs. Patients should be advised not to take dapoxetine with narcotic drugs. Co-administration of dapoxetine with drugs with serotonergic activity, such as ketamine, methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), can lead to potentially serious reactions, including (but not limited to) arrhythmia, hyperthermia, and serotonin syndrome. Taking dapoxetine with sedatives such as opiates or benzodiazepines may increase drowsiness and dizziness.
Ethanol. The combination of dapoxetine with alcohol may increase the effect of the latter on CNS and neurocardiogenic side effects of alcohol, such as fainting, which increases the risk of accidental injury. Therefore, patients should be advised to refrain from drinking alcohol while taking dapoxetine.
Fainness. The frequency of syncope in clinical studies of dapoxetine depended on the category of patients and ranged from 0.06% (for a dose of 30 mg) to 0.23% (for a dose 60 mg) to 0.64% (for both doses together) in a study in healthy volunteers.
Dapoxetine-treated patients were more likely to experience prodromal symptoms, incl. nausea, dizziness/feeling light in the head and sweating. At a dose of dapoxetine 30 mg, the frequency of nausea was 11%, the frequency of dizziness — 5.8%, hyperhidrosis — 0.8%. At a dose of dapoxetine 60 mg, these figures were 21.2; 11.7 and 1.5% respectively. The frequency of syncope and possible prodromal symptoms was dose-dependent, as evidenced by higher rates in patients receiving higher doses than the maximum recommended daily dose of 60 mg.
Instances of syncope observed in clinical trials were considered to be vasovagal in nature. Most of these events occurred within the first 3 hours after the first dose or were associated with study procedures in the clinical setting (eg, taking a blood sample, standing up abruptly, measuring blood pressure). Possible prodromal symptoms, such as nausea, dizziness, feeling of lightness in the head, palpitations, asthenia, confusion and sweating, usually also occurred in the first 3 hours after taking dapoxetine and often preceded syncope. Patients should be informed that syncope with or without prodromal symptoms may develop at any time during treatment with dapoxetine. The clinician should educate the patient on the importance of sufficient fluid loading and on recognizing prodromal signs and symptoms to reduce the risk of serious injury in a fall due to loss of consciousness. If possible prodromal symptoms appear, the patient should immediately lie down so that the head is lower than the body, or sit down with the head between the knees and remain in this position until the symptoms disappear. If fainting or other effects from CNS occur, the patient should be warned to avoid potentially traumatic situations, including driving car and control of dangerous mechanisms. The combination of dapoxetine with alcohol intake may increase neurocardiogenic side effects, incl. fainting, which increases the risk of accidental injury; therefore, patients should be advised to refrain from drinking alcohol during treatment with dapoxetine.
Patients at risk of cardiovascular disease. Patients with cardiovascular disease did not participate in clinical studies of dapoxetine. Patients with organic diseases of the heart and blood vessels (for example, obstruction of the ejection of blood from the heart, valvular lesions, carotid artery stenosis, coronary artery atherosclerosis) have an increased risk of undesirable cardiovascular consequences of syncope of cardiac and other origin. However, there are currently insufficient data to determine whether this risk extends to vasovagal syncope in patients with cardiovascular disease.
Orthostatic hypotension. Cases of orthostatic hypotension have been reported in clinical studies. The doctor should inform the patient in advance that if possible complications appear,dromal symptoms, such as a feeling of lightness in the head immediately after standing up, one should immediately lie down so that the head is lower than the body, or sit down with the head between the knees and remain in this position until the symptoms disappear. In addition, it is necessary to inform the patient about the need to avoid getting up abruptly after prolonged lying or sitting. In addition, dapoxetine should be used with caution in patients taking vasodilators (eg, alpha-blockers, nitrates, PDE-5 inhibitors) due to the possible reduced tolerance of such patients to the orthostatic effects of dapoxetine.
Moderately active CYP3A4 inhibitors. When taking dapoxetine concomitantly with moderately active CYP3A4 inhibitors (erythromycin, clarithromycin, fluconazole, amprenavir, fosamprenavir, aprepitant, verapamil, diltiazem), the dose of dapoxetine should be reduced up to 30 mg, care must be taken.
Active CYP2D6 inhibitors. Caution is advised when increasing the dose of dapoxetine to 60 mg in patients receiving active CYP2D6 inhibitors and in patients with low CYP2D6 activity, as this may increase the level of systemic exposure to dapoxetine with a corresponding increase in the frequency and severity of dose-dependent adverse events.
Suicide/suicidal ideation. In short-term studies, antidepressants, including SSRIs, compared with placebo, increased the risk of suicide and suicidal ideation more strongly in children and adolescents with generalized depression and other psychiatric disorders. In adults older than 24 years, this effect was not found. In clinical studies of dapoxetine for the treatment of premature ejaculation, clear data on the relationship of suicidal thoughts with treatment have not been obtained.
Mania. Dapoxetine should not be taken by patients with a history of mania/hypomania or bipolar disorder; when symptoms of these diseases appear, dapoxetine should be discontinued.
Seizures. Due to the ability of SSRIs< /span> to lower the seizure threshold, dapoxetine should be avoided in patients with unstable epilepsy; if seizures occur, dapoxetine should be discontinued. Patients with controlled epilepsy require careful monitoring.
Children and adolescents under 18 years of age. Dapoxetine should not be taken by patients under 18 years of age.
Comorbid depression and psychiatric disorders. Patients with signs and symptoms of depression should be evaluated prior to initiating dapoxetine to rule out an undiagnosed depressive disorder. Dapoxetine should not be taken concomitantly with antidepressants, including SSRIs and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. It is not recommended to stop treatment for depression or anxiety to start treatment with dapoxetine. Dapoxetine is not intended for the treatment of psychiatric disorders (eg schizophrenia or depression) and should not be taken by men with these conditions as an increase in depressive symptoms cannot be ruled out. Any disturbing thoughts or sensations should be reported to the doctor immediately and if signs and symptoms of depression appear during treatment, dapoxetine should be discontinued.
Bleeding. When using SSRIs described cases of bleeding. Caution is advised when taking dapoxetine concomitantly with drugs that affect platelet function (eg, atypical antipsychotics, phenothiazines, acetylsalicylic acid, NSAIDs , anticoagulants), as well as in patients with a history of bleeding or bleeding disorders.
Impaired renal function. Dapoxetine is not recommended for patients with severe renal impairment, caution should be exercised in patients with moderate and mild renal impairment.
Withdrawal. There is evidence that abrupt withdrawal SSRIs, long-term used to treat chronic depressive disorders, lead to the following symptoms: decreased mood, irritability, agitation, dizziness, sensory disturbances (eg.paresthesia in the form of a sensation of electric shock), anxiety, confusion, headache, lethargy, emotional instability, insomnia, hypomania.
In a clinical study conducted to evaluate the effect of withdrawal of dapoxetine after 62 days of administration at a dose of 60 mg (daily or on demand) in patients with premature ejaculation, no signs of withdrawal syndrome were detected. After switching patients to placebo after daily administration of dapoxetine, only minor withdrawal symptoms were found in the form of mild to moderate insomnia and dizziness. Similar results were obtained in another double-blind clinical study with a one-week period for evaluating the effects of withdrawal after 24 weeks of using dapoxetine at a dose of 30 or 60 mg as required.
Influence on the ability to drive a car and other mechanical means. When taking dapoxetine, cases of dizziness, impaired attention, fainting, blurred vision, drowsiness are described. Patients should be advised to avoid situations that could result in injury, including driving and operating dangerous machinery.
Special Instructions
Pills are contraindicated in lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption.
Information sources
Summary of, 2014.
Trade names with the active ingredient Dapoxetine
Trade name | Price per pack, rub. |
Dapoxetine-SZ | from 378.00 to 655.00 |
Primaxetin® | from 632.00 to 829.00 |